Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Rain Day"

Another new experience ... Back in Indiana we would go to school/work in the rain, in storms, in the snow (unless it was too much - several inches), in the cold (unless it was too cold - much below zero).  But, this day I stayed home from school due to rain.  At first it didn't make sense to me.  They were predicting heavy rains, but they were only expecting an inch.  What's an inch of rain?

Then I remembered the rain in my life in Indiana.  Flat Indiana.  Nothing but the sewers underground.  An inch of rain could flood the streets if the sewers didn't drain it quickly enough. I remembered that rain accumulates in the lowest places.  I remembered my house had twice experienced having water come inside due to rain coming down too quickly.

I travel back and forth to school by walking, by train and by Metro.  (The Metro is underground trains.)  When I go to school I go down into the ground one level.  But coming home I go down two levels.  

An inch of rain coming down quickly, where would the water go?  Down into the Metro!

Thank you, government of Rome for closing schools today and saying to travel only if necessary.  Thank you to my friends who shared with me what the government of Rome said!

When there are storms in my life, let me remember to listen to the One who knows the best for me, and let me heed His advice!

They are calling this rain event 'Bombe d'acqua' (Water Bomb) It was a storm that covered almost all of Italy.  I've read where parts of Rome had rain falling at a rate of 5-6" per hour!  We had some hail where I was, but some places in Rome had walnut size hail.  I haven't found total rainfall, for the day.  I went back to school today.  The rain was still falling, but the intensity was gone.  I have a nice umbrella which did it's job today!

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