Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving dinner and Language Learning

There is a box of food a friend sent me so I could have all the trimmings for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner (except the turkey).  When I heard it was coming I was so excited anticipating all the tastes of home in that box.  I know how my Thanksgiving dinners have been  in the past.  My mouth might have drooled a little.  The box made it to Italy very quickly from California.  However, after nearly two weeks, it is still going through the process to actually get to me.  I know when it finally arrives I will be able to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner like I've had in the past. 

One of my favorite sayings is 'when life gives you a lemon, make lemonade.'  So, no traditional items for this Thanksgiving?  How could I sweeten this sour taste.  I told my friends here that to celebrate Thanksgiving this year I wanted to experience a 'real' Italian restaurant.  I've been here seven weeks and hadn't really experienced it yet.  I'd been to pizzerias, caldo tavolo (hot table), and other small mainly 'to-go' places. We ended up at a trattoria here in Italy. 

When the waiter asked we wanted and since it was in celebration of our Thanksgiving we decided we needed to order a sampling of several of their antipasti (appetizers) with 'fizzy' water and regular water to drink.  For our 'first plate' we ordered pasta, too.  We would see if we needed a 'second plate'.

The server began bringing the antipasti dishes. She brought out a three bowl container each filled, a plate of bruschetta, and then a large tray filled with a variety of goodies.  We all ate to our hearts content the delightful tastes of Italy.  Our tummies were taking note, it was indeed Thanksgiving.  The server took the antipasti plates away and fresh plates set before us.  

Skillets of pasta, one for for the different pastas ordered, were brought to our table.  Wow, everything tasted so good!  We continued to eat and enjoy our non traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  We started feeling like we were back in the US on this Thanksgiving Day as our bellies were filled!  A young one said she felt filled to the top of their head.  Oh the food was so good, but no one could completely finish their meals.  We would need to let the food digest before eating anything else!  No second plate for any of us!

While sharing the fun of the evening with a fellow student at school during our break today, this analogy hit me.  Language learning is like eating a Thanksgiving dinner.  The language (food) is presented little by little.  As the teacher (sever) teaches (brings out the dishes) you put the information (food) in your notebook (on the plate).  As you do the homework (eat) it takes time. More information (food) is brought and you take more notes (refill the plate).  However, there comes a time when no more information (food) can go in without taking some time to process (digest) what has been learned.  There is a need of the breaks to fully digest before taking in more.  Language learning is like a Thanksgiving dinner.  Even though it is wonderful, there is so much!  You can't eat like that every day!  I'll always be learning, just like eating to stay nourished!

I've had days where I feel like I'm 'filled to the top of my head' not knowing how any more information could possibly fit in.  I do look forward to the weekends, to have time to digest what was learned during the week so I'm ready to take in more the next week!  

This new session is already a quarter finished.  I'm looking forward to the Christmas break to really let things digest and be ready to 'feast on' in January!

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