Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Updating My Operating System

A few weeks before coming to Italy I had a notice from Apple that it was time to upgrade my operating system on my Mac.  Oh, how I dread those updates, especially at the beginning, there are always bugs that will require an upgrade to the upgrade.  Going to Mavericks was not easy. It was the worst upgrade I had experienced.  It MIGHT be that l was living in a guest house and the wifi was kind of slow sometimes.  So I took my Mac to the Apple store and they reinstalled it 'quickly'.  It was still a few hours to reload.  The guy told me that the first time I booted it back up it would take time as it would need to be reconnecting everything.

Since I've been here Apple had a new upgrade.  It again took a few hours to totally do.  I could do some minor things during the installation, but I had to mostly just let it make sure all the files were in the right place and then a restart to the system.  This one seemed to work so much better.  My Mac is running more like it did several months ago!

Sometimes there needs to be updates because things didn't go as planned with the initial install.  Everything seems to run slower than normal.

While sitting around the table eating lunch my friends and I started talking about my life and how this move to Italy is like an 'upgrade of my operating system'.  Since my life here in Italy is a completely new 'operating system' it takes a while to load (into my brain!).  I still can do some other things while it loads, but everything is slower.  Some things don't work yet, and they may need updates.  There might be some glitches along the way.  And until it is fully loaded I won't be able to take advantage of all the new features that comes with this new 'operating system'. 

I'm looking forward to when my new OS is working well and I can start doing the work that is before me.

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