Tuesday, October 14, 2014

From Ticket to Ready to Fly

From Ticket to Ready to Fly

Since I came to Italy the first time over five years ago I've been preparing to come back, to actually move to Italy.  I’ve had a blog called "Why Italy" and I used it to explain the reasons behind why I was willing to liquidate my belongings and move to the other side of the world, as well as some trials to do that.  The quick answer has been: to do what God wanted me to do.

I became a part of Team Expansion and over a three year span raised the funds to come.  Once all the funds were secured or committed, I could begin on the paperwork to actually come.  That paperwork took over seven weeks to complete.

I had to purchase the ticket out far enough, but not too far.  It seemed like a little of seven weeks was so far away.  But, all the issues that needed addressed after the ticket and before flying made the time fly by quickly.  Health insurance purchased ... that took longer than anticipated.  All the paperwork emailed to the minister who could write the invitation letter to have me to come as a missionary to Italy.

He writes the invitation, gives to his assistant and leaves on vacation.  However, it does not get mailed until he returns!  By the time I know when it should arrive, it's too late for me to go to the Vice-Consulate's office closer to my home.  I need to drive 4 1/2 hours away to the Consulate's office and I needed an appointment between specific hours.  The first available appointment was for one week from my flying date.

I like to try to make lemonade when given a lemon!  My sister flies up to visit with me and she goes with me on that trip.  We talk all the way up and we laughed.  We spent the night at a cousin's home that we hadn't seen in a few years!  Made it to the Consulate's office an hour early!  They took my papers early!  But, about an hour after getting back on the road, I realize I had forgotten to show them one of the required items, we drive an hour back to give it to them.  More sister time, however unplanned!  Even though there was about two hours of extra driving, it was really a good day.

They couldn't tell me if I would have my passport back with visa attached before it was time to fly on September 30th.  The woman at the Consulate’s office thought it could work, but it could take up to three weeks.

The travel agent told me I had to make a decision by noon the day before l would need to cancel the tickets.  Noon came and I cancelled the tickets.  I was not sad, just disappointed. My daughter and my son in law had come to see me off.  Again, make lemonade ... instead of hustling around that Tuesday getting ready to leave, I spent the day relaxing with my girls and their families.  My visa arrived on the date I was to fly, but by then it was too late.  A new date was secured just four days later.

I used a service to ship my things right before I left.  First Luggage did a great job of picking up my six extra suitcases from where I was living and sending them ahead of me.  They arrived without major incident the day after I arrived and were delivered to the door of the apartment building!  What a great service!  Since traveling alone, it was great I didn't have to handle so many pieces of luggage by myself!

I had a few extra days to spend with my family and friends before going through security at the airport and onto my journey. 

I will be journaling in this blog my experiences during my language and cultural acquisition time. 

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