Thursday, October 16, 2014

My First Week in Italy

When you are moving to Italy to live the first week is not like a vacation full of sight seeing, but certain things must be done in a certain amount of time or fines could occur or even worse, you might not be allowed to stay!

So, Monday morning after arriving the evening before, after breakfast of toast, peanut butter, jelly, and Italian coffee, I was taken to the Questura, the local police station.  This had to be done within 48 hours of my arrival or the family where I am staying could have been fined 300+ € for not reporting me staying with them.  So, copies of my passport, a hospitality letter from the owner of the house, and other documents were copied for the Questura.  They know where I am living.  This was step one.  Accomplished!

Then we began the paperwork for the Permesso di Sogiorno (the permit to reside in Italy).  We went one place which told us to go to another place.  At that place we were told we needed to call to make an appointment.  When the call was made, we were told that I needed to go to the Questura!  Really?  Weren't we just there?  About an hour later we were called back stating that she was indeed the one and could we meet her this afternoon?  Yes, we could!

We went for the appointment and she filled out the paperwork, and told us the things we needed to do next before applying for the Permesso di Sogiorno.  We went home, made copies of things, bought the special stamp required, and made sure I had enough cash for the Permesso di Sogiorno.  But we couldn't finish things that day.

Rode the subway into Rome to go to an English Bible study for ladies.  We stopped to go 'out to eat' at McDonalds before the study.  The church where the Bible study meets is near the Spanish Steps.  It was kind of funny realising I was not going out to sightsee, but to meet other ladies who had the desire to study God's word.  Even though I already knew this, it dawned on me, that Rome is just another 'big city' that have real people, with real needs.  I am one of those people who will continue to need to be spiritually feed, so I praise God for this weekly Bible study for my own growth.  It is about Moses.  How appropriate that the lesson was about him being called to a foreign land to do God's work later in life.  Wow! 

Tuesday was a more laid back day.  I had the same thing for breakfast.  I got to go to a store called Carrefore to pick up some things, like hair dryer, curling iron, and shower stuff.  It is similar to Walmart, but smaller.   I got home and found out the the plugs are for German plugs, not the normal Italian plugs.  Just a little different.  Both are 220, but Italian plugs are smaller and further apart.  Many adapters available!  I can use the adapters I brought with me for my few American things that I need to charge.  Those adapters are German also.  Most things I brought could easily adapt to 220.  But, not my Sonic vibrating alarm clock.  I have to have it plugged into one of my German adapters, then it is plugged into an Italian adapter, the it is plugged into a power strip that is plugged into a converter box, which is plugged into the wall!  Is it worth it?  Oh, I forgot to mention, there is just one electric plug in my room.  

Wednesday was a very filled day!

It started out with the same breakfast and then being taken to have my 4 passport made for the Permesso di Sogiorno.  I then asked if they would take a credit card.  Oh well, I knew I would have to stop to get money out since I had to have 4 pictures  I knew I needed cash for the Permesso di Sogiorno.  I had remembered when I was in the US I knew I had 2 special deals and was able to get 4 pictures taken for $19.  (I had needed them for my passport, visa, and international driver's permit.)  I knew things cost more in Italy, so I was not prepared for what the man told me.  He said Cinque e cinquanta.  I asked for the person to repeat because I thought I did not hear him right.  The one who brought me told me in English 5.50 €.  I had that much available!  What a nice surprise!

Then we went on to the Post Office.  We got a number for the window of the post office which deals with things like the Permesso di Sogiorno!  Then we waited for a few minutes until it was our turn.  The Post Office does so much more than just deal with the mail.  People pay their utilities there, many government forms are filled out there, and more!  The lady wanted to know if for my actual appointment would I prefer to go to the Questura in the Vatican City instead of the Questura in Ciampino?  No, the Questura in Ciampino would be just fine!  Appointment is set for a little of two weeks.

Next on the agenda was a trip to the grocery store for food.  It was a store that reminded me a lot like Aldi's.  The prices on fresh foods were amazing!  After I put all my groceries on the conveyor I was informed that they did not take credit, just cash!  On the conveyor was some chicken, beef, vegetables, toast, croissants (with chocolate inside), a couple of litres of extended shelf life milk, orange juice, and more.  I looked in my wallet and started counting.  I had just under 36 € with me.  What could put back in case I ran out of money?  As the guy started ringing up my items knowing he would have to stop by 36 €.  As he rang up the last item and hit the total, it was 35.60 €!  

After putting away our groceries, I put the last of my cash in my wallet, for we were heading into Rome to go look at schools for me.  We each bought a day pass so we could ride as much as we wanted.  It cost a couple more euros that we thought.  I now officially have just 13 cents!  I'll need to go to an ATM!  After looking at a couple schools, even being tested at one of them, we thought it best to think it through and talk them over before making a decision.  Both of them offered a discounted rate for religious workers!  Yay!  The schools have classes in the mornings from 9 AM to 1 PM.

Thursday -  One thing I wish I would have brought with me and could have were the wire hangers that I had from my Daddy's uniforms.  (I have plenty of them in storage.)  I bought 8 hangers for 3 € today. They are wood and 'nice', but I am so used to having MANY that are just wire and free!  I guess this will help me decide what really needs to be hung and what doesn't!  What I buy here I will be able to take to Verona with me, so I'm not opposed to buying more.  I'm just going to go to IKEA (I've passed it at least 4 times this week!) and check out the cost there.  My friend thought they would be cheaper there.

Went to Carrefore’s again.  I now have a Carrefore’s member card.  I bought only eggs this time, but took some pictures coming and going.

I began working on my newsletter that will need to be going out soon as well as making sure all my finances are being recorded correctly.

Friday morning we went to an electronics store to buy a cheap cell phone for me to have some safety in traveling out on my own.  After the Permesso di Sogiorno is granted there is still another card that I need to receive before I will be allow to buy a SIM card for a smart phone on my own.  While there we looked at house phones for my Vonage line.  We tried them out and decided on a set of phones that will work now as well as when I move on to my own place.  I had looked at phones before leaving the States and I was pleasantly surprised that I found a better phone with an earpiece that doesn't hurt my ear for less money that what I could find back home!

IKEA was right next to this electronics store.  We knew we didn't have a long time, but it made sense to stop for hangers.  They were definitely less expensive and I purchased a few.  One thing I noticed that most of the parking for these stores are below the stores.  I was informed that since real estate is in high demand, they use the space quite wisely!  However, there is always a chance of some ancient thing being found during excavation.  That was what happened when they were digging out for IKEA.  They found some very large pots and an ancient road.  A few of the pots are now on exhibit at IKEA behind glass as people come into the store.  The ancient road has been sealed off and people can drive above it and stop to look at it.

Saturday I stayed at home most of the day.  I had some cereal and orange juice I had bought.  We did go out to look at different cell phone plans for my little phone.  We found one interesting one for foreigners.  It is just 9 € a month for 200 texts and 200 minutes.  Since I don't have a lot of people to text or talk to that seemed like the best deal.

So school will begin at 9 AM ... I will need to leave home by 7 AM to be sure to make it on time.  It is a 10 minute walk to train station ... It is morning rush hour so be squished like sardines on the train to ride to Termini ... walk a five minute walk to the Metro (subway) ... again be squished to ride Metro to Piazza Bologna stop ... go up the steps and walk a few blocks to the school.  I will do a trial run one morning before school starts, just for timing during the morning rush.  The afternoon shouldn't be as crowded coming back home.  I will be able to buy a pass at the beginning of the month for a month of unlimited rides.  But until November I'll need either be buying a day pass for 8 €  or 4 tickets for 1.50 €  each.  It will depend if I plan to do any other riding each day.

Sunday - another full day.
I went to church at the church that had been planted many years ago by other missionary friends from Bari.  The people I am with are working on another area, but since there isn't a church yet, they go on Sunday morning's to this church.  There were about 30 people there.  It was all in Italian.  I took my camera so I could take some pictures, but my battery died on the way to church and I had forgotten to put my back up battery in my purse!  How frustrating.

Many greeted me.  (A kiss on each cheek and a hardy 'Ciao!')  One gave me his phone number stating he would be willing to help me with my Italian if I would like additional help.  One man said he was trying to learn English and was excited I was trying to learn Italian.  I enjoyed the worship time (words on the screen and some tunes I knew).  I could follow along with the reading of scripture, but after that all I could understand were a few words or phrases here in there in the sermon and during prayers.  It was not interpreted for me because I needed to be paying attention to the Italian and not English.  I was warned that communion would not be grape juice, but wine.  :)  I was glad for the warning.

After church we went to a home of my friend's sister for lunch and birthday celebrations for two family members.  I should have thought about Playing for Pizza before going.

When we arrived at the home, I assisted in changing the coffee table into a table to seat 10 (it could have even expanded to seat 14!!)  It is motorized to get up to normal table height!  Really cool!  (They REALLY like to use their space wisely!)  We put on a table cloth and others set it with a napkin, plate, glass, fork and knife for all.  Two containers with water were placed on the table as well as two bread baskets.

I went into the kitchen to help and with her in broken English and my broken Italian we communicated well enough while she was finishing up the pasta.  Then she started serving up the pasta (which was spaghetti length wide noodles with a tomato type of a sauce with a bit of sausage in the sauce) into bowls.  Her husband and I placed them on the table on the plates.

We all sat down and there were two bottles of wine on the table, too.  A red wine and a sparkling rosse.  Everyone took a little of one and then had a little of the other one later. A prayer was said (in Italian) and everyone started in on their pasta.  It was very good.  A sauce was asked for. It is a 'hot oil'.  It had been heated with hot peppers and then cooled.  Basically a hot sauce.  I tried it and was good, but only needed a few drops for the plate of pasta.  As I finished my pasta I thought, that was a nice meal, as the pasta plates were cleared away.  As the platter of chicken and the platter of potatoes were brought into the room I remembered how in Playing for Pizza there were different courses to the meal!  So I had about a fourth of a chicken and some browned potatoes.  A huge salad was brought in next.

As the plates were cleared I commented that I had known, but had forgotten how an Italian meal was!  I was informed, 'remember, it's a birthday, there is more!'  So, out came a huge bowl of grapes (all grapes here have seeds) and some apples.  Another bottle of wine was brought out (a sparkling Moscato) to have with the birthday cakes.  Then came the birthday cakes.  One was a chocolate chip and cream filled cake and the other was a lemon cream filled cake.  They were both yellow with a 'fuzzy' looking icing.  It was explained there is a special little flower that looks like that and the cakes are made to look like the flower.  Very good cakes.  After all of that I felt ready for a nice nap, but I was at someone else's home!  I helped clear the table and helped put it back to it's coffee table size.

There are two girls, a nine year old and a two year old.  Both girls are bi-lingual.  The two year old knows to talk Italian to her dad and his side of the family, but switches to English for her mom.  Her sister and I hear both from her!!  Sometimes she mixes one sentence with both, too!  :D  Fun to try to understand her!  Oh, but when she speaks Italian, she even uses the expressions and the gestures perfectly!

A few of us started to watch Madagascar 2 in Italian.  It would helped me if it would have had Italian captions on. I think I would have understood it better.

Later back at my apartment I needed to do some laundry.  I was helped with first load.  There were several different things (I think four or five) to put in the washer before washing clothes.  There are also many different settings.  But then I needed to get my clothes ready to dry.  I hung them out on the balcony on a drying rack.  I was told to allow about 12 hours for them to dry.  So they were out over night and mostly dry by morning.

Many experiences in this first week.  Welcome to my new way of life!  I know I will have many more experiences to share!

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